University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota

 College of Science & Engineering  

MURI — Roll-to-Roll Printed Electronics

Multi-University Research Initiative. Target application: Wireless brain-machine interface

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The MURI team is working on a variety of printed demonstrator circuits. As these become available, we will include links to videos illustrating these here.

Image Gallery

Aerosol Jet Printer

Click to enlarge.

Aerosol Jet Printing Examples Using Various Materials

Click to enlarge.




As we develop the knowledge necessary for high-speed manufacturing of fast, power efficient, high-density circuits on flexible substrates, we will be publishing additional images and demos of our findings here. We are otivated by the tremendous potential of flexible and thin-film electronics systems to benefit national security and the U.S. economy, we seek to overcome tremendous challenges.

This MURI team’s ten investigators will develop electronically functional inks and a high-speed R2R printing process to produce flexible circuits with integration densities of 1000 transistors/cm2, which will represent a true quantum leap in flexible electronics manufacturing capability. To demonstrate the materials and manufacturing process, the team will design and construct a wearable, multi-functional distributed sensor network for brain-machine interfacing (BMI). The BMI device will consist of hundreds of sensor elements integrated into a form fitting cap to detect brain waves and the intent of the human subject. The new materials sets, the manufacturing process, and the BMI sensor system will be the principal deliverables of this project, in addition to the training of 10 graduate students and postdocs in flexible electronics technology.